le vent du nord show live 2024 03 b lieve 37 horiz
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Winning album of 3 awards: Félix, Opus and Songlines

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“Le Vent du Nord was an enormous hit at Grey Fox 2024. Their electrifying performances had audiences on their feet, swaying and dancing, whooping and cheering, completely caught up in the musicians’ massive talent and exuberant, contagious spirit. Vive Le Vent du Nord!”
“With their track record, energy and vision, the boys have at least another 20 years in them. And God knows Quebec will give them the space.”
“The hottest ticket in town on the Saturday night was for the rambunctious five-piece from Quebec, Le Vent du Nord, who put on a proper party at the Old Fruitmarket.”
“All bangers from French-speaking Canada’s finest. Whether traditional or original, the music is deftly played with crisp call-and-response vocals and warm-bath harmonies. […] 20 Printemps is the musical equivalent of a theatre’s there is no bad sear in the house, with nary a weak tune in the lot. […]”
“The band ran through all the facets of their show – the foot stomp, hurdygurdy, Jew’s harp, call and response singing, powerful massed choruses and great Celtic-based instrumentals with twin fiddles. Add the guests to this heady list and you start to guess at the excitement levels they generate! Plus they are great showmen to boot!”
“20 Printemps confirms that Le Vent du Nord are one of the very best proponents of this genre of music of this, or any, generation.”

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