Getting prepared for virtual performances

While waiting to return to international touring, and always keeping an eye on offering an exceptional quality experience to its audiences, the team is working very hard to develop new skills useful for the presentation of performances in virtual mode by fall.   Last june and july the quintet was at the Théâtre Hector-Charland (L’Assomption, Québec) and at Centre culturel Desjardins (Joliette) for technical tests, collaborating with various presenters and partners including Old Town School (IL), Ocean View Arts Center, (NJ), Highland Arts Center (VT), The Dana Center (NH), The Met (UK),  Société des arts technologiques (SAT) and La Place des Arts in Montréal ! We thanks everyone for their fantastic and supportive collaboration.  Keep posted for concerts to be webcasts soon from Quebec.  This project was made possible thanks to the support of the Ministère de la Culture du Québec and Sodec.